I will analyze your recorded voice sample and either make personalized suggestions or create a voice-over preset customized for your voice!
For voice-overs, voice acting, podcasts, streams, YouTube videos, and any other recorded voice application!
Perhaps you’re breaking into the world of voice-over or voice acting work. Maybe you’re starting a podcast or a streaming channel and you want your voice to sparkle to compete with the big names. You’ve got the mic. You’ve got an interface and a DAW; but somehow your voice sounds dull and lifeless, or sharp and offensive. Where do you go from here?
Recording your voice is never as easy as hitting record. It requires several steps to ensure you’re sounding professional. From your recording environment, to mic placement and recording levels, steps need to be taken to create the best sound going in. And of course, every voice needs to be processed. It may require EQ, saturation, compression, de-essing, noise reduction or more. And there’s no one-size-fits-all preset — everyone is different.
The voice-over business can be very competitive, and often times great talent can be overlooked due to amateur-sounding submissions.
When hosting a podcast — even with the most interesting and compelling subject matter — listeners might tune out due to harsh, dull, or otherwise unprofessional audio.
Here’s the good news: I can help you sound your very best!
I have two packages to choose from:
The SILVER package includes a full analysis of your submitted audio sample that will include a personalized score sheet complete with notes, suggestions, and tips. You will also receive a processed version of your audio so you can hear how your voice could sound with professional processing, and give you a goal to work towards.
The GOLD package is the works! It includes all of the services found in the SILVER package, PLUS a completely personalized preset for your voice. I will work with you to help build the best possible plugin presets for the most professional sound you can get! In some cases when we work in the same DAW or use the same plugins, I will build your presets for you, but in other cases when you work with your own DAW and use your own plugins, I will work with you to help you build your own.
Just choose between the GOLD and the SILVER packages below and follow the instructions to submit your recordings for either analysis, or analysis & preset creation!
*You must have basic knowledge of working with digital audio, and specifically with a Digital Audio Workstation.
Happiness Chart
VO Service
PRIVACY POLICY, CONTENT RELEASE, TERMS OF SERVICE, & REFUND POLICY: Submitting your audio sample and completing this form does not guarantee it will be processed. Poor quality audio samples will be rejected along with instructions to help repair your audio before any further processing can begin. If after three (3) unsuccessful attempts at helping you get a clean audio sample, your payment will be refunded in full minus a processing fee of $10.00. What is deemed a “clean audio sample” and what is deemed a “poor quality audio sample” is solely at the discretion of The Time Preservation Society and its founder Nathan Chamberland, hereafter referred to as the TPS. I hereby authorize and grant permission to the TPS to use my voice recordings for the purposes set out in the GOLD and SILVER packages. I understand the TPS will NOT use, sell, distribute, or otherwise reproduce my voice, name, or personal information for any purposes whatsoever outside of the agreed upon package intentions without prior written consent from me. I recognize that the TPS values my privacy and will never sell, trade, lend, or disseminate my information to any third party. I further agree that communications between myself and the TPS will be conducted in the English language. I also agree that purchasing either the GOLD or the SILVER packages does NOT give me eternal access to communications with the TPS, and/or infinite revisions to the agreed upon service. I agree to limit my requested preset revisions to three (3) revisions. I further agree that should I continue to dislike the personalized audio preset design after the third revision, I forfeit all monies paid to the TPS and consider it payment tendered for services rendered. I further agree to respect the professional opinion of the TPS when it comes to audio sample processing, and defer audio processing decisions to the TPS, while understanding that my own input and suggestions will still be valued and considered. I also agree that a full refund will be honoured by the TPS ONLY if the service has not already been performed. I recognize that a lot of time, effort, and skill are utilized and employed with these services, and that requesting a full refund AFTER work has been commenced or completed would be considered bad faith and I agree that I will respect that policy. The TPS reserves the right to declare the status and progress of the services provided. I further understand and agree that the TPS will provide analysis of my audio sample no later than seven (7) business days from the day of my audio sample submission. I also understand and agree that processing and further audio preset revisions AFTER initial audio sample analysis will be completed no longer than 30 business days from the day of audio sample submission. Must have working knowledge of Digital Audio Workstations and working with digital audio in general.These policies are subject to change without notice.